(a) I, Arista De la Riva, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) The source that helped me complete my independent component was my grandmother, Aurora De la Riva. She taught me how to sew and she taught me .
(c) Log for 30 hours. Click here.
(d) I sewed/made several articles of clothing (I may even wear one for my 2-hour presentation) throughout my Independent Component.
(c) Log for 30 hours. Click here.
(d) I sewed/made several articles of clothing (I may even wear one for my 2-hour presentation) throughout my Independent Component.
From the very start of this component I had one goal in mind: to create a "spring/summer" fashion collection with my grandmother. I, along with some help from her, created three articles of clothing that had a significant theme to follow. I represented this collection with brighter and more fun fabrics. I created a color blocking dress, a fun printed dress, and even a beach cover up (something to wear over a bathing suit at the beach). It is stated in Fashion Now, "The reason Fashion Week is so important is because it's a chance for labels to showcase their new collections, for example Fashion Week in LA takes place in March and the collections usually consist of a spring/summer vibe." My essential question also happens to relate to Fashion Week and I feel my 30 hours completed represent what a designer needs to have in order to attend Fashion Week. In the end, I created three things I'm proud of and wouldn't mind wearing (which I didn't think was possible).
The IC helped me realize/come across a better answer. If it isn't too late, I definitely would like to change my answer My EQ is, What is the best way for a fashion designer to achieve a spot in LA Fashion Week? My answers are currently: interning, having a background in business and working in retail. I might want to consider changing "having a background in business" to "knowing how to bring a design to life" or something along those lines. I do believe that knowing how to sew is critical because you could have the most creative mind in the world and have a bunch of clever ideas, but if you can't create these images you have, you have nothing. So, though it may be important to be able to sketch a design, it is just as important, if not more important to know how to physically create the product.
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